A List of Extraordinary Cause and Effect Essay Topics for College

How to set up a cause and effect essay

In a cause and effect essay, you need to outline some sort of event or occurrence, as well as the preceding effect that that had. Essentially, you are looking at what happened in the first place, and how this affected future events.

Most cause-and-effect essays will involve the introduction, followed by the body, and finishing with a conclusion. Therefore, they generally follow the basic rules that most simple papers use.

Choosing topics that have clear results

If you are new to writing cause-and-effect essays then, to make it easier to write the content, it is best if you choose a scenario and resulting consequences that are relatively clear and easy to prove. This will make it a lot easier when you come to write your arguments. Furthermore, it is particular useful if you can think of three distinct reasons as to why the initial incident caused the future results.

Structuring your essay

If you are only writing a relatively short paper, then you may wish to consider using a five paragraph structure. In the first paragraph you would give the background to what has happened and include a thesis. In the next three paragraphs you outline three arguments that help to back up your thesis. Then in the final paragraph you write a conclusion based on the arguments that you have brought up in the paper so far; however, you do not introduce any arguments in this section.

Ideas for a cause and effect essay

To give you some ideas of titles that you could use for your own paper, the following lists various topics that you can write about. Alternatively, you could make minor adjustments if you wanted to write about some in slightly different.

  • How good or bad weather influences our happiness and general mood
  • How was the current AIDS epidemic caused?
  • How does advertising and the media re-inforce gender identity?
  • How has the internet affected traditional print-based businesses?
  • How has China’s economic rise had an effect on pollution levels?
  • How has the digital revolution changed the world over the last two decades?
  • How has the rise in “text-language” improved or weakened literacy levels?
  • How does an expensive education improve career options for young people?
  • How has the development of television helped to create an obesity epidemic?
  • How do major sporting tournaments change the local areas in which they are held?

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